Tuesday, August 30, 2011

.ten. days of you

saw this on another blog and figured i would give it a shot- i am currently in the process of designing a new blog layout, but due to illness and a crazy schedule it has been hard for me to find time!

ok so day one, ten secrets... i am not sure they are secrets as much as confessions...

  1. i have a really bad habit of doodling- i .doodle. all the time, when i am on the phone, church, work, meetings, etc. the worst part about it- the doodles aren't any good haha
  2. my closet and my car are complete messes, but i know where everything is- on the counter side i am completely OCD about making my bed (thanks mom! see number 4)
  3. i am not sure i think that any girl is good enough for either of my two brothers. they are simply amazing, and some girl is going to .really. have to knock it out of the park to get my approval (okay okay i have some friends that i think would work but that is beyond the point)
  4. i want to be like my mother- ahhhh so many people think oh my i cannot believe i am turning out to be just like my mother. well, i am, and i am .totally. perfect with that
  5. i still sleep with my stuffed lamb- her name is ivy- and i dread having to give her up once i marry will.
  6. i am a nerd. i would sit and read a good book over going out (most of the time)
  7. i really do think i am a good singer, i just think no one else hears my voice like i do (ellen back me up here)
  8. i definitely was the one to approach will. i sent him a message with my number telling him to call me. pushy much? worked out for me :)
  9. i want to move to montana, but just for a little bit
  10. i helped people cheat on homework in my intro chem class. (psheww that was a big one)

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