sorry for the brief hiatus. life is crazy these days. between a trip to the beach with the most beautiful horrendous weather, a super busy week at work and an amazing "around the house" shower... let's just say i have been lacking on my blogging skillz. so... back to the 10 day you thing, then hopefully sometime soon i can do some home improvement updates
- failure. i do .not. like to fail. whether it be in friendships, work, my upcoming marriage or something as simple as friendly competition. i fear failure. but doesn't everyone?
- being shot. i have the weirdest dreams about being shot. it is an irrational fear, like most of mine are.
- the DOCTOR. i am .seriously. afraid of the doctor. my blood pressure sky rockets. why? who knows- i am scared of regular doctors, lady doctors, dentists, eye doctors, orthopedic doctors, not shots or giving blood or anything. just doctors in general. you name em, i am scared of em. maybe it is because of webmd? i self diagnose like a champ
- so this is weird and hard to explain as a fear, but literally i tense up when i think my car is about to bottom out. ask will, i'm always saying "SLOW DOWN YOU MIGHT BOTTOM OUT HERE"
- i fear for my children's future. all the cell phones, material things, television, radio. i fear that i will not be able to shield them from all of the nonsense in the world. people can access anything these days, that is scary.
- my thesis. i am just now starting to write it. i fear writing a 100 page paper. prayers are welcomed, it is due in april 2012.
- apparently i fear newts/lizards/slimy bugs/reptiles. i mean i am not really scared of them, but i will kill a roach or a humongo spider before i will try to catch one of those slippery little suckers. i made my boss come get it out of the ladies restroom at work yesterday. embarrassing!
- driving to work in the mornings and home in the afternoons... the "stack" or I55 heading from my house to downtown. i think people purposefully drive bad from 7:30 to 8:15 and 4:45 to 6. worst drivers .ever. i would rather be in atlanta traffic. nah nevermind that is worse.
so my fears are topical. i would never share my deep dark ones- they're scary to talk about. plus someone might think i am crazier than they already think i am.
on another note- so PUMPED that meg won HGTV's design star. cannot wait to see her new show
my bff Candice Olsen described her as follows, “Meg is like the best girlfriend you can talk to about anything, said Olson. “Whether it’s boyfriends, bedrooms, bathrooms or basements, she'll have a fresh opinion or idea you can trust.” psh! what else can you ask for in a tv personality designer-
dear meg,
will you be my friend?
love her style .so. excited.
today i was up on the roof, with a water hose, while will was in the attic checking for leaks. WE WILL FIND OUT WHAT THE SMELL IS. it just is taking us a while...
Is it mean for me to say that your fears had me cracking up?? (#2 and #4 mainly) I think it's just the way you explained them and a few of them I can definitely relate to! Oh, and my dad's an orthopaedic and he's really nice! :)))
ReplyDeletehaha i was trying to make light of "fears"! mine are pretty silly- but seriously, bottoming out is the WORST!