Tuesday, September 13, 2011

.seven. wants

how in the world am i supposed to narrow down what i want into seven things? this should be a much bigger number but i will give it a shot...

  1. i want to travel more. in the process of "budgeting" i am begging will to add a little extra to the travel fund... or the "short term savings" as he calls it.
  2. i want people to be happy with me. i get this from my momma. i like to know that everyone is happy with me all the time. that's a hard task to accomplish!
  3. i want to start my own business- i wish i had the time to go for it.
  4. i want a pretty yard! my future yard has so much potential- sadly i have a black thumb.... i need help bad. i'm much better with decorating inside...
  5. i want will and i to get a hobby. right now our hobby is homemaking... which is an EXTREMELY time consuming hobby. from getting on the roof to crawling in the attic to scrubbing the teenie tiny white tile floors, being a homeowner is tough. maybe we can be intense bikers? or gardeners? that way i can wipe out this want and number 4... bingo!
  6. i want to learn how to sew. and build furniture. and faux finish. this would all be helpful for number 3.
  7. i want to want to work out. ha!

the wedding invites are addressed, stuffed, and sealed! thanks to ellie and mom that wasn't half as painful as i expected (the wine helped, too) i am not really sure how i feel right now because it honestly seems like everything is ready- just waiting on oct 29. how many days left? 

my wedding dress is in. cue sad music here because one of my fears listed yesterday should have been fear of not fitting in the dress! i am so excited though because my dress isn't online so i haven't seen it since i ordered it!

and last bit of rambling. mom and i met with the organist to do the music for the ceremony. we basically teared up the whole time and .loved. everything he played. at the end i just had to tell him that whatever he wanted was fine. mom and i are going to have to .pull it together. big time! the ceremony is just so special and so real- and i am an emotional wreck so bring on the waterworks. one of will's only suggestion this whole time is that "be thou my vision" is somewhere in the ceremony. he is such a great guy, what a wonderful way to glorify the Lord and remember that He is the reason for this grand ceremony. i am one .lucky. girl


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